Ninety Words

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My grandfather Roy, Sr., is ninety years old today. In honor of such a significant achievement, here are ninety words to describe this wonderful man and different aspects of his life. My Granddaddy. 

RCM2007.jpgdevoted, courageous, patriarch, husband, father, great, grandfather, great grandfather, Granddaddy, Navy, captain, travel, wood carver, hunter, Gunsight, oil, cars, rancher, carpenter, dentist, service, voter, farmer, fisherman, books, music, newspaper, honest, intelligent, talented, moral, hard worker, wisdom, guidance, veteran, friends, brother, cousin, kind, sharp, faithful, camping, teasing, college, Baylor, senior, ship, boats, Panama, Spain, faith, horses, cattle, Virginia, Shamrock, noble, determined, conservative, humorous, loving, tall, discipline, change, Panhandle, Weimaraner, dominoes, chess, strong, World War II, Curtiss, Midway, California, Texas, motorcycle, corvettes, marriage, family, wonderful, respected, stubborn, honorable, ninety years old, loved.

Happy Birthday, Granddaddy! We all love you so much! 

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Thank you Meredith! Love the picture of Dad with Logan! Your ninety words are great and bring back fond memories.

That makes me smile, Marilyn! The picture with Logan was taken in 2007 when Logan interviewed Granddaddy for a school project. Granddaddy has such an incredible life story --hard to sum up in just ninety words!

This is a very special gift for Grandaddy. I know he will love it. Hope Grandmother has seen it by now. I will try and print it out for her. Thanks, honey. You are a very special daughter/grandaughter.
Love, Mom

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