Busy April

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The hailstorm came and went, and we now have a new roof. Our shade sails are up, and we've made progress on the pond. I'll post pictures as a set soon so you can see a start to finish. We'll finish the pond next, and then we'll focus on painting the exterior. I've chosen the colors and a low-VOC paint (keeping with our Green plan). I can't wait to drive home to what will feel like a whole new house. And we finally have our car back, after $9,000 in repairs from hail damage.

This past weekend we had several friends come into town, so we had lots of good food, good times, and good memories. And as is typical of Texas, we got both rained on and sunburned in one visit. We ate like pigs for days (and I even made margaritas and pies for our Friday gathering), toured the city, visited Pedernales Falls, played poker, and when we had nothing else to do, we ate like pigs again.

Eating at Matt's El Rancho

With all the rain this past week, Pedernales Falls was much higher than usual, so it was a particular lovely visit. Even some of our Austinites had never been, so it was a great side trip to take. Aside from the wonderful flow of water, we saw plenty of wildlife, including several lizards, a little frog, a snake, and many wildflowers and native plants. Nolan found a sun-bleached bone for Grover, and he carried it around for a long time. 

Logan at Pedernales

Pedernales Falls, April 2009


On a peninsula Michael and friends


At the overlook


GroverLittle Grover hurt himself twice this past week -- a long gash on a rear paw and tearing off a nail on a front paw -- so we made two vet visits, poor guy. Today he was quite wary when we returned to remove the staples the vet put in his paw last week, but overall the visit was without incident. Neither wound prevented his having fun at Pedernales Falls, luckily.

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