Puppy Love

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We couldn't resist the charms of our little boy puppy foster, and on the day before Valentine's, we officially adopted him. It was a tough decision. Aside from additional pet cost, our lives will be more complicated with walks and hikes and vacations. But truly we don't regret the decision -- he has fit into our family with ease. In fact, he's easier to deal with than both Loki and Sheba! Even Michael enjoys the playfulness and cuddliness of puppy, whose name is now Grover, although we are on the line about whether to change it to Harvey.



Grover is growing like a weed. During the night he decided to sleep under the bed, and apparently he had a growth spurt while sleeping because in the morning he got stuck, and Michael had to lift the bed up so I could pull Grover out.


Puppy is remarkably calm and well-behaved for a puppy. He is naturally curious about cats and other dogs, loves playing with Sheba and Loki, and has become quite the mama's boy (I even briefly considered calling him Elvis). It was a hoot watching him go out on the front porch to bark at the pizza-delivery person yesterday. I suppose that won't be so nice when he's big, but it's cute when he's little! He doesn't run so much as bounce along, boing boing boing.

In case you are wondering, we got to meet the person who adopted Cowgirl. He seemed very nice, and it sounds as though Cowgirl will have a happy home.

And lastly, though I am without a picture at the moment, we actually have yet another addition to our family. The boys bought themselves a hamster, with quite the works for a cage. So now an ongoing task is making sure that Tooga stays out of the hamster room. She is very, very interested in little Scout, for some reason...

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1 Comment

If I may speak for Michael: "We" Kemosabe?

P.S. We love Scrappy and are very sorry about the Homer incident.

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