Enjoying Hope

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I despise politics -- the games people play, the mean attacks, the obvious and the subtle lies, the corruption, the voting scandals, the worst sides of capitalism showing through, candidates' personal goals instead of goals with the best for America in mind, lobbyists the driving force behind a lot of decisions, racism, religious fanatics, stupidity (sometimes those last three go hand in hand). The list goes on and on, and events and actions during election years just makes me ill most of the time. I think that's why it's nice for me to feel such hope for a change. And we need a change. Though Barack Obama is also a politician, he is a man I can believe in. It will take a long time to repair the damage George Bush has done, but Obama and Biden will make immediate changes for the better. McCain won't. Don't even get me started on Palin. And though our family, like so much of the country, is feeling the effects of the economy drop, at least it will hopefully be the final nail in the coffin for George Bush's place in history books. I want them to show forevermore the damage his office has done, and that he is one of the worst, if not the worst, President in the history of our country.

It's funny though -- as much as I despise George W. Bush and his administration -- I find that it is even harder to listen to John McCain. That man's speaking voice affects me like fingernails on a chalkboard. Maybe he should master Palin's wink -- then the effect will be perfect -- perfectly creepy, that is. I watched the VP debate directly -- the presidential debates I had to listen to from the other room.

Last night Obama aired a 30-minute ad on several networks. Of course, the talks afterward had to do with how much Obama spent and whether the overall result would be a gain in voter support or a loss. What's wrong with spending campaign money to do exactly what it's meant to do -- help you reach out to Americans and to help you win? Obama has money because he has incredible support across the country -- if McCain doesn't have similar support, there's a reason. Isn't that why people send money to their candidate -- to help them win? Exactly. And the ad was about positive change -- it didn't attack Obama's opponent the way that McCain is so fond of. Of course, McCain continued his attacks on Larry King Live. Sure, he might have appeared more relaxed, but he still played the smear game. I know the man doesn't have natural charisma the way Obama does, but he could at least try. Or is he trying? Eep.

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